Magic Eye Ball for Android continues it's race up the ratings charts. Sometime since I last looked on Friday, it crossed the 10,000 download barrier and is well or it's way to 12,000.
Anne and Sandy will no doubt give me the complete break-down on Monday, but I had a quick look at the stats just now and some interesting things pop out: Whilst this US is understandably the biggest market for App, India is in second place, closely followed by Ireland and the UK. The Philippines then make a surprise entry and the top ten is rounded out by Australia, Brazil, Canada, Greece and Germany.
I kind of get the Philippines thing as English is one of the country's official languages and the US had significant influence over their educations system after their occupation, but I don't quite understand the Indian connection.
It's a funny old world, isn't it?
They (those in India) are using it as they provide tech support to all the Americans who call when they can't figure out their DVRs or whatever. "I wonder if I should tell them to plug the dumb thing in?? Magic Eyeball says ... very doubtful. Guess I'll let them keep floundering."