Can't find the sayer-of-sayers, the mystic-of-mystics, the sage-of-sages? Lost your oracle's e-mail address? Don't have any friends to phone?
Worry-ye not, oh seekers of enlightenment. Magic Eye Ball will answer all these questions with wit, charm and, if you set the right option, a little seductive vibration.
Freshly downloaded, the all-seeing blue Magic Eye Ball requests you give your device a quick shake to summon the answers you seek. Magic Eye Ball responds by doing a little shake himself before pontificating on your question.
Potentially embarrassed by how that slightly unfortunate gesture makes you look on the bus, waiting for the train or in the jury box?

Fear not, stout truth-hound; simply bring up the menu, select "Preferences" and opt to poke Magic Eye Ball in, well, in the eye to solicit the answers to your humble questions.
Fancy a little vibration with your wisely administered acknowledgment? Here's where you get it. It's also where you select an audible response to your enquiries. Hit the back button and your new settings take immediate effect.
Observe closely, dear friends. Magic Eye Ball doesn't even move his lips when speaking. I tell you, the boy's a genius. Unfortunately, a flawed genius. A few seconds after Magic Eye Ball has given you the benefit of his wisdom, memory fails and the answer fades.
But do not worry, do not fret, avoid panic in all it's forms. All you have to do is shake your phone or poke Magic Eye Ball in the eye and another answer will be immediately forthcoming.

He's kind of stupid that way.
Don't like the blue eye? Well heck, you can change it to something a little closer to you own or those of your loved one. Just punch the "Eyes" menu and select away.
Sports nut? Well double heck, we have more balls than you'll know what to do with. Just one condition:
Under no circumstances whatsoever are you to scroll past the seven ball. I'm serious. Beyond there be dragons, sea-monsters and angry mothers-in-law wielding rolling-pins. Got it?
Hey! I saw that.
The next one who make a move for the scroll bar has his Jaffa Cakes taken off him. Yeah, it's that serious.
Have fun, Elmer.