Monday, December 12, 2011

Delegation of Authority

Apologies, impatient App fans. Whole day up the spout, I'm afraid. His Royal Lowness, "St Elmer the Weird", decided the entire office had to spend the day hacking away at some lame system he wrote when he was in college. Would never have happened in my day.

He claims it was all in a good cause; a couple of youngsters in need of some Christmas diversion. Likely story. Smacks of a vanity project, if you ask me. Whatever the reason, we're now a day behind on our plan to storm fortress Android. But have no fear, dear thumb-twitchers; I have a cunning plan…

Code-meister Chris and I will shortly be joining our fat-headed boss in the pub for an in-depth, erm, strategy meeting. Anne & Sandy will be staying extra late to catch up on all the work we, sorry, they didn't get done today.

You know what? I like having interns. We should have thought of this years ago.



  1. What kind of people spend all day on a pet project when you are trying to bring a product to market? Where are your priorities?

  2. What kind of people are we? Wild and crazy ones, of course! Priorities? They're for wimps. We like to live on the edge. Plus, Chris forgot the password for the issue tracking system a couple of months ago. At a suitable junction, he fully intends to blame the interns. Soon as they re-stock the break-room with Jaffa Cakes.

  3. Hey! get back to work, Fudge. Who said you could spend the afternoon conversing with improbably named members of the public? We have Apps to write, you know; or had you forgotten where the beer money comes from?

  4. That's funny, Chris. They blamed you.

  5. But they didn't get Elmer in the company Secret Santa, and they aren't off to by a large box of Jaffa Cakes and some wrapping paper...
